"For all things come from You, and of your own we have given you." 

1 Chronicles 29:14

Support the Ministry of St John's Darlinghurst

God invites us to worship him with every part of our lives, and one of the indispensable ways we do so is through the regular, sacrificial giving to our local church and its ministries to the community. 

Through this discipline of generosity, we learn to see everything we have as a gift from God, and we grow in trust in his future provision. We also deepen in a heartfelt involvement in the work God is doing all around us.

St John’s relies on the generosity of its members and community to fund its ministries in Darlinghurst and beyond. Your support will allow us to do even more. So, for the sake of your own spiritual growth, as well as the growth of God’s kingdom, we invite you to partner with us financially.

Ways to give

If you are interested in leaving a bequest to St John’s, please contact us at admin@stjohnsanglican.org.au, or 0401 775 556.

Direct Deposit

St John’s Anglican Church
BSB: 032 032
A/N: 811 496


Payable to St John’s Church Darlinghurst 
Post: PO Box 465, Kings Cross NSW 1340