At the conclusion of every Sunday service we send everyone out on mission, saying: “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!”. Then, during the week, St John’s people gather across the city to learn how to live out this mission in their daily lives.  

Community Groups Characteristics

While every group is unique, they all share these four common characteristics:


Groups build relationships with one another and embody Christian unity by sharing dinner, nibbles, drinks, or dessert. 


Groups take time to read a passage of scripture or discuss the sermon from the previous week, seeking to help one another apply it to the unique situations of everyday life.


Each group spends time coming before God in worship, thanksgiving, and petition. 


Groups act as nuclear families of the church, caring for one another and helping one another in ways both spiritual and practical.

Interested in joining a community group?

Please fill out the form below and one of the ministers will help you find the group that will best suit your needs.